Julien Mortier

  • Après avoir fabriqué quelques instruments en autodidacte, Julien Mortier part en voyage à travers l'Europe, avec sa mule et sa roulotte.

    En 1999 il rencontre le luthier Franco Simeoni à Trévise en Italie et devient son apprenti pendant quelques années.

    Puis il rencontre l'archetier Jean-Marc Panhaleux et reste quelques mois dans son atelier à Lille; fasciné par la création, il commence à fabriquer ses premiers archets.

    En 2005 Julien ouvre son atelier à Torreilles, près de Perpignan et rencontre Sophie Erdal. Ils associent leurs ateliers à Perpignan en 2007.

    Depuis, il suit les conseils des archetiers Jean-Marc Panhaleux, Jean Grunberger , Pascal Camurat et Blaise Emmelin pour perfectionner son style et fabrique des archets de plus en plus prisés.

    source: workshop website
  • Julien Mortier made several instruments as a self-taught violin-maker before setting off with a mule and a gypsy caravan to discover Europe.

    In 1999 he met the violin-maker Franco Simeoni in Treviso in Italie and was his apprentice for several years.

    Then he met the bow-maker Jean-Marc Panhaleux, staying a few months to work with him in his workshop in Lille, France. Fascinated by the creative aspect, he began to make his first bows.

    In 2005 Julien opened his own workshop in Torreilles, near Perpignan, France, where he met Sophie Erdal. They merged their two workshops into one in Perpignan en 2007.

    Since then he has been following the advice of the two bow-makers Jean-Marc Panhaleux and Jean Grunberger to perfect his technique, making bows that are more and more sought after.

    source: workshop website


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
bows for vln
restores bows for vln, vla, vlc

address 1 rue de la Révolution Française - 66000 - Perpignan - France


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