
Theater Augsburg / Augsburger Philharmoniker

nación Alemania
ciudad Augsburg
posición Viola (1)
instrumento vla
tipo contrato Academy
duración September 1, 2024 to August 31, 2026
fecha fin de plazo dom 09 junio 2024
fecha audición vie 05 julio 2024

The newly founded Paul-Ben-Haim Orchestra Academy at Augsburg State Theatre will start in the 2024/25 season.
The Orchestra Academy is aimed at students and young musicians up to two years after graduation if they are not yet employed by an orchestra. Over a period of 24 months, academy students can gain valuable practical experience with the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra.
The academy covers the following areas:
- Participation in symphony concerts, music theatre, ballet and drama productions
- Chamber music, new music and digital projects & music education formats
- Instrumental lessons with members of the Augsburg Philharmonic Orchestra
- Coaching, audition and performance training
- Workshops on physical and mental health
- Whole body and mental training
The Akademist:innen receive a monthly salary of €900 plus a job ticket subsidy.
More information at:
Please note that no travel and accommodation costs can be covered for participation in the audition.

obras obligatorias

Classical concerto (Stamitz or Hoffmeister): 1st movement with cadenza and 2nd movement

repertorio orquestal

Bruckner: Symphony No. 4, 2nd movement
Mozart: Magic Flute Overture
Strauss: Don Juan


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