Friedrich Alber

1966, Germania

  • Born in Germany in 1966, Friedrich Alber became interested in music at a very early age and started the violin when he was nine year's old. Later he discovered the viola, which he still plays today, preferably in the chamber music domain.

    He discovered violin making at the age of sixteen year's old, and after obtaining his Diploma with Distinction from the Newark School of Violin Making (England) he arrived in France and worked for four years with Frédéric Chaudière.

    Friedrich Alber has lived in Montpellier since 1990, and in his workshop he devotes himself essentially to the making and adjusting of string quartet instruments. His instruments, with his production now standing at a hundred and twenty or so examples, are inspired by prestigious Italians models: Stradivari and Guarneri del gesu for the violins, Amati and Gagliano for the violas, and Gofriller, Grancino and Montagnana for the cellos.

    The acuity of his work has won him the trust of professional musicians in France, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, USA, Korea and Japan.

    In 2010 Friedrich Alber was a finalist in the Paris "Violoncelleenseine" Competition with a model Grancino cello.

    In 2012 his violin and his cello were awarded first prize in the category "judges favourite" at the MUSICORA fair in Paris.

    As well as making instruments he does repair and restoration work, sound adjustments along with selling string quartet instruments and their accessories.

    fonte: sito personale
  • Né en 1966 en Allemagne, Friedrich Alber se passionne tôt pour la musique et commence le violon à l’âge de neuf ans. Plus tard, il découvre l’alto dont il joue encore aujourd’hui, de préférence dans la musique de chambre.
    A seize ans il découvre la lutherie et après avoir obtenu son diplôme avec mention à l’école de Newark (Angleterre) il arrive en France et travaille quatre années avec Frédéric Chaudière.
    Installé à Montpellier depuis 1990 il se consacre principalement à la fabrication des instruments du quatuor. Sa production, riche de 120 violons, altos et violoncelles est inspirés par de prestigieux modèles italiens : Stradivari et Guarneri del Gesu et Rogeri pour les violons, Amati pour les altos et Gofriller, Grancino et Montagnana pour les violoncelles.
    La pertinence de son travail lui a permis de gagner la confiance de musiciens professionnels qui jouent aujourd’hui ses instruments en France, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Belgique, aux Etats-Unis, en Corée et au Japon.
    En 2010 il est récompensé finaliste avec un violoncelle (modèle Grancino) au concours international de Paris "Violoncelleenseine".
    En 2012 son violon et son violoncelle reçoivent les prix « coup de cœur » au salon MUSICORA à Paris.
    Egalement il fait des réparation et restauration, réglage de sonorité et vente des instruments du quatuor et leurs accessoires.

    fonte: sito personale


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indirizzo 4 rue de la cavalerie - 34000 - Montpellier - Francia

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