
Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest (Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Amsterdam)

nazione Paesi Bassi
città Amsterdam
incarico Viola (10)
strumento vla
tipo contratto Temporary
durata August 10, 2023 - August 27, 2023
scadenza iscrizione dom 05 febbraio 2023

Youth orchestra

Young 2023 is looking for violas!

General Guidelines
You must be between 14-17 years old. This means that your birthday must be between August 27, 2005, and August 10, 2009, without exception.
The summer camp takes place from August 10-August 27, 2023, (traveling days 10 and 27 August)
Residency will be in Akoesticum (Ede) The Netherlands
Free of tuition
Each young musician should be recommended by two different nominators who are for example music teachers, or directors of a local youth orchestra, school band or ensemble

Audition elements
5 video's (introduction, solo piece, excerpts, scales, essay)
1 personal letter
2 reference letters

Application Timeline
November 7, 2022: Application officially opens
February 5, 2023: Application deadline
March/April 2023: Applicants notified of status via email; audition feedback provided shortly thereafter

passi d’orchestra

6th symphony, movement 3 (Lustiges Zusammensein der Landleute): beginning until bar 85

Movement VI ‘Samuel Goldenberg und Schmuyle’: cypher 56-58
Movement VII ‘Limoges Le Marché’: cypher 63-69

Allegro giusto until letter D
E until 9th bar in G


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