Amnon Weinstein

Amnon Weinstein, second generation and internationally renowned violinmaker, pours his heart and soul into repairing and building violins. Virtuosos from around the world turn to Amnon and his son Avshalom in their luthier shop in Tel Aviv, Israel, for their expertise and craftsmanship.

Nearly two decades ago, Amnon shared a dream with his close friend and master violinist Shlomo Mintz. Amnon wanted to locate and repair the violins of Jewish musicians killed by the Nazis. His aim: to restore these violins back to life and hear them played again, thereby restoring the memory of the nameless millions, including the musicians and artists who were lost. Thus was born Violins of Hope.

source: personal website


makes instruments vln, vla, vlc
restores instruments vln, vla, vlc

address 70, Shlomo Hamelech Street - 64512 - Tel Aviv - Israel


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