Courses & Master Classes

DANIEL MÜLLER-SCHOTT, cello-Blackmore Intl. Music Academy BERLIN

nation Germany
city Berlin
instrument vlc
period Mon 04 September 2017 - Sun 10 September 2017
documentation see attached document

Welcome to the international cello master class with great german soloist-Daniel Müller-Schott.
Our course services included: individual lessons, closing concert, concert, engagements in Berlin for the best participants, certificate of participation.
Please include with your application: completed application form, copy of ID, C.V. and artist photo.
There are no audition before.
All participants will be confirmed after the order of their application.
Course fee active: 499 €;
Passive listener (entire course): 200 €;
Day pass: 50 €.
Performance with chamber orchestra: 300 €


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