Fairs & Events

Arti e Mestieri: Le Mani Sapienti
June 2015

The “Antonio Carlo Monzino Foundation” has launched a project, called “Arti e Mestieri: Le Mani Sapienti” with the aim of promoting both the art of violin making and a wider diffusion of classical music. The essence of the Foundation’s activity is to enhance the role of music in the education of the young. Moreover, the craft of violin making, an Italian borne art, has been the main business of the Monzino Family since 1750.
As a stimulus for the young generation to renew the tradition of the job of the craftsmen, as a solution for the occupational problem that afflicts our era as well, the laboratory of violin making recreates the feeling of the original worksite and permits visitors to follow, and even put hands on, the steps of creating and maintaining the instruments.
Afternoons will be dedicated to the performance of young musicians, the visit of school children and their teachers, and meetings with experts. The main themes treated will be linked to the importance of music in the educational process, the relationship between music and the brain, and the relationship between music and welfare.
The “Arti e Mestieri: Le Mani Sapienti” project is within the frame of EXPO from May 5th to October 31st. It is open to the public at the Sforza Castle in Milan from Tuesdays to Sundays, from 9:00 to 17:00 hours 
Visit the "Le Mani Sapienti" web site.


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